Qenek Security

We take the security and protection of your private information very seriously. Because of this, when using Qenek:

  • Your identity is validated according to industry standards
  • Strong passwords are enforced
  • Confirmation messages are sent to your email account for any changes made to your information using Qenek
  • ­Communications and information are encrypted using industry-standard technology: HyperText Transfer Protocol with Secure Socket Layer, or HTTPS. HTTPS is a protocol used by Web servers to transfer encrypted data over the Web securely. Basically, encryption scrambles the contents so they can only be read by someone with the right encryption key to unscramble them.

You have a responsibility to keep your information secure as well. Here are some things you can do to protect your confidential information:

Each time you sign into Qenek, verify that the URL (the website address) begins with "https:" before inputting your password.
Your Qenek password is private and should not be shared with anyone. Please protect your Qenek account by not writing your password down and by keeping it confidential. If someone knows your email address and has your Qenek password, that individual is able to access your Qenek account and make changes to your stock records.

If your password is compromised, please immediately click here to reset it and access your Qenek account to ensure no unauthorized changes were made. If you remain concerned, you may also contact CIRI Shareholder Relations to request that your account be locked.
When using Qenek, you may receive a pop-up message asking if you wish to save the password for the site. This option is offered via the device (e.g., cell phone) or Web browser you are using, and not Qenek. While convenient, we suggest that you do not save your password, and instead select the option "Never for This Website." This means you will have to type your password in each time you access Qenek, but it also means that your information will be better protected if you lose your device, or if your device or browser becomes subject to viruses or malware.
Using the same password on multiple sites is risky, because if one of those sites is subject to a data leak or if hackers manage to figure out your password for one site, your access to the other sites is compromised as well.
Make sure to keep your password secure by regularly updating it. Best practices usually recommend that you change your password every three to six months. Qenek requires you to create a password that meets standard password strength requirements.
Whenever possible, make sure to use a computer or phone that belongs to you. For example, use of computer kiosks and other public-access computers in libraries or hotels is fine for normal web-browsing; however, providing and changing your personal information (including inputting passwords and user names) from these computers is highly discouraged and may subject your Qenek account to hackers.
Using public WiFi is like having a conversation in a public place where others can overhear you. Qenek should be accessed only from a secure WiFi—for example, a password-protected WiFi network in your home—instead of using networks provided by coffee shops, hotels, etc.
Keep the computer and phone you use to access Qenek protected by keeping it up-to-date (e.g., install software patches, version updates, Windows updates, anti-virus protection and software updates for applications like Java, Adobe Acrobat, Flash and other programs that you commonly use). Using a current web browser and installing and keeping anti-virus and anti-spyware software also helps to prevent unauthorized access to your Qenek account.
If you leave your phone or computer unattended while logged into Qenek, others are able to make changes to your stock records. Although Qenek will automatically log you out if you have been inactive for 780 minutes, your private information will be more secure if you log out of Qenek and close the browser window if you get interrupted or are done using it. To log out, click the "Log off" link at the top right of the screen.
Confirmation messages are sent to your Qenek email account for any changes made to your information using Qenek. In addition to making sure that the email address on file for your account remains accurate, be sure to read any confirmation messages that are sent to you and to also log into Qenek to periodically review your information. If you have questions about anything, contact CIRI Shareholder Relations.
You are solely responsible for maintaining the privacy and security of all information printed from Qenek.

How to Contact CIRI Shareholder Relations

CIRI Shareholder Relations staff are available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Alaska time and may be reached at:
(907) 263-5191
Toll-Free Phone:
(800) 764-2474
If you reach voice mail or send an email, be sure to include your full name, as it appears on your CIRI records, along with a good contact number so that staff may follow-up with you by phone. Chin’an!

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